luni, 24 mai 2010

Toata lumea sta...numai eu muncesc...! adevar ascunde acest titlu, nici nu va inchipuiti.
Dimineata, chinuit fiind de un somn imens am fost nevoit sa iau un taxi spre munca. Taximetristul, baiat cultivat, citea un ziar de scandal al carui nume nu il dau aici pentru ca nu vreau. Urc in taxi, spun unde vreau sa ajung si baiatul nostru pune o mana pe volan si celalat pe telefon si isi suna un prieten:

Taxi man: -Ce faci ma'? Ne vedem la birou sa bem o cafea?
Interlocutorul: - ...
Taxi man: - D'a cum de n-ai plecat din oras?
Interlocutorul: - ...
Taxi man: - Baaai, toata lumea e libera numai EU muncesc!
Interlocutorul: - ...
Eu: - ... ... ... ... ????

M-am dat jos din taxi foarte intrigat...nasol moment sa fii singurul de pe lume care munceste si sa-ti para tare rau ca nu stai cu burta la soare consumand bere, mici, seminte si alte chestii din astea hranitoare.
Da, in Iasi nu prea s-a muncit, cred ca nu sa prea muncit in toata tara dar stiu eu cateva categorii de angajati care astazi si-au rupt coatele muncind: doamnele de la fornetti si cele de la covrigi(tre sa mancam, nu?), cei care vand inghetata(tot mancare este),cei de pe la magazinele din colt sau de la alimentara, vatmanii si soferii de autobuz, taximetristii(unii dintre ei chiar se bucura, nu de alata dar mai fac si ei un ban in plus), cei care lucreaza prin mall-uri sau centre comerciale, librariile(la Avant-Garde aveau azi o muzica...uhu!!! as fi stat la ei o vesnicie iar la Humanitas era plin de copiii si se auzea Apolodor cantat de Ada Milea pe fundal). Pun pariu ca doamnele de la aprozarul de unde ma aprovizionez si cele de la chioscul de la bloc au lucrat si ele. Si mai pun pariu ca nu le pare rau: angajatorii in ziua de astzi abia asteapta sa te plangi un pic, usa este deschisa...daca nu vrei sa muncesti...
Intelegeam daca ziua asta libera venea undeva in timpul saptamanii, da, hai sa fie liber si sa te bucuri si tu, sa te odihnesti, dar in momentul in care ziua asta vine dupa un week-end, ma iertati dar nu mi se pare normal sa te plangi ca vai, cat mai muncesti tu si poporul tot e liber. Pun pariu ca jumatate din angajatii acestei tari nu au avut astazi liber. Unii recupereaza(eu, saptamana viitoare recuerez), alti nu ca nu vor sefii lor sau pentru ca au semnat un contract pe care poate nu l-au citit cum trebuie.
Pana la urma, nu este vorba de nimic altceva decat despre dorinta asta nebuna a romanului de a munci si de a-si castiga salariul.
Daca poate sa fenteze si sa se lamenteze iesind el in avantaj de ce s-ar implica?
Pai nu asa!

miercuri, 19 mai 2010

Targ de carte....URAAAAAA!

Asa nu se mai putea. Mi-am luat bani,o haina mai groasa si rucsacul...bine, am luat si un taxi ca m-a ploua in statie(nimic in orasul acesta *Iasi* nu circula dupa un orar clar stabilit) am pornit la drum. Am dat bice cailor(traducere: i-am comunicat domnului taximetrist destinatia) si cat ai clipi am ajuns la locul mult laudat: Sala Polivalenta unde se desfasoara Targul de Carte Librex 2010.
Editurle mari sunt prezente cu tot felul de promotii: carti la preturi atractive, promotii, reduceri peste reduceri: Editura Polirom vine in intampinarea clientilor cu noutati editoriale si cu reduceri frumoase de tot: carti la 9.99, carti la 4.99 si reducere de 20%...bun de tot...Editura Humanitas sta foarte bine la capitolul reduceri fiind anul acesta darnici si oferindu-le cumparatorilor 20% reducere pentru ca sarbatoresc 20 de ani de la infiintarea Editurii Humanitas plus ca au noutati multe de tot si carti la preturi promotionale. Am tras cu ochiul si la Nemira unde am cateva carti bifate cu "must have", Editura Art m-a facut sa ma indragostesc de niste titluri iar cei de la Curtea Veche sunt hotarati sa ma castige de client :). La standul editurii Trei tronau victorioase cele 3 volume ale lui Stieg Larsson din seria Millennium care ma bantuie de cava vreme si care nu cred ca mai au scapare.
Pandeam printre rafturi cartile si pana la urma mi-am facut un pic de cap: mi-am luat Toba de tinichea de la Polirom ca nu o aveam si este un am asezat-o in rafturile bibliotecii ca sa nu o uit...e pe lista cu urmatoarele lecturi.
Bun ca este targ, bun ca mai am cu ce sa imi iau carti, e bine ca nu le-am luat pe toate din prima zi...maine ma voi delecta cu alte minuni si am sa vin sa va povestesc si voua ce carti alese am mai adunat.

Targ de carte!
Targ de carte!

Targ de carte!

Carti Carti Carti Carti Carti

*maniacii ar trebui legati si tinuti pe intuneric(aici vorbesc despre mine)

duminică, 9 mai 2010

"The Children of Lir" legenda si proiectul

"The Children of Lir

In Celtic Ireland there lived a king called Lir, who had four children named Fionnula and Aodh, Fiachra and Con. Their mother, the queen, was dead and the children missed her terribly. The king saw that the children were sad and needed a mother, so he decided to marry again. His new bride was called Aoife. She was beautiful but she was not the kind-hearted person the king thought she was. Their mother used to tuck them into bed every night before she died.

Aoife grew jealous of the four children because their father loved them so much. She wanted the king all to herself so she planned to get rid of them. She asked a druid to help her and together they thought up a terrible spell. One day Aoife went to the lake where the children loved to play and she cast a terrible spell over them. There was a flash of light and the children vanished and turned into four beautiful swans. One of the swans opened its beak and spoke with Fionnula’s voice: “What have you done to us?” “I have put a spell on you and you will be swans for nine hundred years. You will spend three hundred years on this lake, three hundred on the Sea of Moyle and three hundred on the Isle of Glora. Only the sound of a church bell can break the spell,” replied Aoife.

When the children did not come home that evening, the king went looking for them by the lake. He was amazed when one swan called out. “Father, father, we are your children. Aoife has placed a terrible spell on us.” The king went back to the castle and pleaded with Aoife to break the spell but she refused. He decided to banish her from his kingdom. Lir spent the rest of his days beside the lake talking to his children until he grew old and died.

The king spends his days talking to his children!
Three hundred years passed and it was time for the swans to move to the cold and stormy Sea of Moyle between Ireland and Scotland. The poor swans were tossed about by the wild waves. It was a hard life with little food and years passed slowly.

The swans are cold and hungry in the Sea of Moyle.
When the time came for them to fly to the Isle of Glora, the swans were old and tired. Although it was warmer on the island and there was lots of food they were still lonely. Then one day they heard the sound they had waited for. It was the sound of a church bell.

The bell was ringing in the tower of a little church. An old man called Caomhog stood outside. He was amazed to hear the swans talking and listened to their sad story. He brought out some holy water, which he sprinkled on the swans while he prayed. As soon as the water touched them they changed into old people. They soon died and Caomhog buried them."

Textul il gasiti in original urmand link-ul de mai jos. Tot acolo o sa o gasiti si minunata imagine care a inspirat-o de Maebh Costello in conceperea unui proiect numit The Children of Lir

Alte ideii indraznete si multa creativitate:

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Enjoy your day...

sâmbătă, 1 mai 2010